What is Webcasting – Everything You Need to Know

Need help figuring out what webcasting is and how it can benefit your organization? Knowing what webcasting is and how to use it to your advantage will help you tap into a global market with more appealing and compelling content.

Webcasting requires planning and scripting for live broadcasts

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following webcasting definition, information, uses, and ways artificial intelligence is transforming it.

What is Webcasting

Webcasting is the process of broadcasting live or pre-recorded (audio and/or video) content over the internet, allowing viewers or listeners to access the content remotely using their devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.). Webcasting is similar to broadcasting on television or radio, but the content is delivered via the internet instead of traditional broadcasting methods.

What is the Purpose of Webcasting?

Webcasts allow organizations to develop high-quality digital content and share it with viewers globally. Your organization can build meaningful relationships with people interested in and caring about your brand by producing webcasts.

Webcasts allow you to consistently provide significant audiences with value, making the most of unique engagement and marketing opportunities. A webcast presentation can offer an easy way to share educational materials with your consumers and staff.

What is the Difference Between a Webcast and a Podcast?

The principal difference between podcasting and webcasting is the content. Webcasting utilizes audio and video content to convey a message, while podcasting is limited to audio content.

What Do I Need for a Webcast?

Webcasting requires good quality audio and video equipment

Producing a webcast can be challenging. However, a reliable webcasting platform allows producers to create effective, high-quality presentations. Consider the following components for producing webcasts:

Webcasting Program – Many platforms like GlobalMeet, Dacast, ON24, VEED, IBM Video Cloud, and Vimeo offer unique solutions and features. Finding the right webcast software for you depends on what type of webcast you want to host.

Audio and Video Source – For video, use a camera, which outputs a video signal in a web-friendly format or a webcam. For audio, you can use a built-in audio source or a separate audio-collecting device, like a microphone. Use a camera and microphone that can be connected and properly placed for more polished results.

Encoding – An encoder is a device (software or hardware) that converts audio and video content into an internet-ready file. Once your content is converted, it can be broadcast over the Web. Recommended encoders include:

  • OBS Studio (software)
  • Wirecast (software)
  • VidBlasterX (software)
  • LiveU Solo (hardware)
  • Teradek (hardware)
  • TriCaster (hardware)

Delivery Method – Select a provider like Xyvid, livemedia, or PwC that can limit access to the content or be capable of scaling proportionally for larger audiences.

Internet Connection – You will need a dependable, fast Internet connection for a professional webcast. Your connection speed will be partly influenced by the quality of your broadcast. A general rule is to use a connection speed roughly double your intended bitrate. If you intend to stream at 1Mbps, your upload speed should be 2Mbps minimum.

Configure Your Encoder – First, enter the stream URL for the live channel you are streaming on. Next, you should locate “Encoder Settings.” It will provide an RTMP URL and a stream key you can insert into your encoder.

Tip: If your encoder allows it, try to connect with a device password. You must then choose your bitrate and resolution inside the encoder. Ensure the bitrate does not exceed half of the upload speed at the location. The encoder should provide further instructions/recommendations.

How AI is Changing Webcasting

Webcasting requires knowing how artificial intelligence can automate your processes and provide real time analytics

Webcasting reaches a global audience and is a powerful tool for disseminating information or promoting products and services efficiently. AI is revolutionizing the way we create, manage, and distribute webcasts. Consider the following:

Personalization – Among the more significant ways AI is transforming webcasting is through personalization. AI algorithms can analyze data like viewer behavior, preferences, and history to provide personalized recommendations and content. Viewers are more likely to engage with content that is relevant to their specific interests, leading to higher engagement rates and better retention.

Automation – AI is transforming the way webcasts are produced and managed. AI can automate creating transcripts, captions, and subtitles, making webcasts more accessible to viewers with hearing impairments or who speak different languages. AI can also automate the process of video editing and post-production, making it easier and faster to create high-quality webcast content.

Real-time Analytics – AI is changing webcasting through real-time analytics. AI algorithms can analyze viewer behavior and engagement in real time, providing valuable insights into viewer preferences and behavior. This helps you adjust your content “on the fly,” improving engagement and retention rates.

Improved Search – AI is improving the searchability of webcasts. By analyzing webcast content, AI algorithms can identify key topics and themes, making it easier for viewers to find the content they are searching for. This can also help you promote your content by making it easier for viewers to discover your webcasts.

Improved Recommendations – AI can also improve the recommendations that viewers receive. AI algorithms can provide more accurate and relevant recommendations by analyzing viewer behavior, preferences, and history. This means viewers are more likely to discover new content of interest to them, leading to higher engagement, conversion, and retention rates.

For more information on implementing and using artificial intelligence, visit openai.com

Everything You Need to Know About Webcasting

In this article, you discovered what webcasting is, how it can help you effectively reach a global market, and how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing it.

Understanding and using webcasting to its full potential will help your organization reach a (truly) global market increasing your brand awareness and potential revenue.

Failing to use webcasting in your marketing and advertising will leave you with a limited audience, allowing competitors to whisk away a significant portion of your market.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/what-is-webcasting-everything-you-need-to-know/ for the first version of this content.

Visual Aids in Virtual Presentations

Need help figuring out which visual aids to use in your virtual and online presentations. Knowing which visual aids best support and the impact that they can have will significantly enrich your presentation and overall engagement.

Visual aids in virtual presentations include powerpoint presentations

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following definitions, information, and tips on several visual aids that add value to your virtual and in-person presentations.

Why Use Visual Aids in Presentations

Visual aids engage your audience by appealing to their seeing and reading abilities, boosting their comprehension of your content, causing an emotional response, and helping you convey important messaging. Visual aids are essential tools and should never replace your meticulous presentation preparation. Consider the following visual aids when developing your presentation:


Microsoft PowerPoint is among the most commonly used form of visual aid. PowerPoint is a program that allows you to create and show or project slides to support your presentation content. You can easily combine text, graphics, and multimedia content to create professional and concise presentations.

Powerpoint slides can be projected on a screen during an in-person presentation or be displayed full-screen during a virtual one.

White or Blackboard

Visual aids in virtual presentations include using a white board

White or blackboards help explain a sequence of ideas or routines. Use them to clarify your title or to note your key points as you introduce your presentation. This gives you a “fixed list” to help you recap as you go through your presentation.

A white or blackboard should be located off-center from the speaker (depending on which hand the presenter writes with), and in virtual presentations, it should only be “in-focus” when being used or referred to.

Tip: If you write ‘live,’ verify that your audience can read your writing.

Flip Chart

A flip chart is a large pad of paper on a stand. It is handy and flexible for recording information during your presentation. You can use pre-prepared sheets for key points. Record crucial information as you go along, keeping one principal idea on each sheet. Flip back through the chart to help recap your main points and ideas. Use page turning to show the progression from topic to topic.


Visual aids in virtual presentations include using strategic handouts

Use a handout if your information is too extensive to fit on a slide or if you want your audience to have a complete record of your material (use printed sheets for in-person presentations or email the handout pre-presentation). Consider the value of passing around your handouts at the presentation’s beginning, middle, and end. For example:

  • Given too early and your audience may be distracted
  • Given too late and your audience may have taken excessive and unnecessary notes
  • Given out in the middle and your audience will end up reading rather than listening

Tip: An effective way of avoiding these situations is to distribute incomplete handouts at key stages during your presentation, highlighting missing details vocally and encouraging your audience to fill in the gaps.


Video allows an opportunity to present stimulating visual information. Use video to add movement, pictures, ambiance, and sound to your presentation. Always ensure the footage is relevant to your content.

Tips for Using Visual Aids

Visual aids in virtual presentations include tips on positioning practicing and content

Simplicity is a good design principle for your visual aids. Avoid overloading visuals with unnecessary or excessive information, sound, color, font changes, or off-topic images. Consider the following tips:

Stand or Sit to the Side – Do not obscure your visual aid if possible. Typically, speakers have a visual aid on their left.

Maintain Eye Contact – A visual aid will be a tempting focus for many speakers. However, the audience should remain their primary focus. When a speaker or presenter loses eye contact, they typically end up with their back to the audience.


Give an Introduction – Introduce your visual aid before talking about or displaying it. Giving relevant background information on where its content was obtained provides your audience with more understanding.

Practice with Your Visual Aids – A visual aid adds an additional focus for the audience, and the speaker should effectively interact with the aid to minimize distractions.

Supporting Content – Ensure the visual aid supports the message. Consistency between what is being said and what is being seen is essential to a speaker’s credibility.

Use Appropriate Visual Aids – Ensure the logistics of your setting support the visual aid. Verify that everyone can see it, that any electronic equipment for the visual aid is functioning, and that the visual aid is set up before the presentation.

Direct the Content – Point out key or relevant elements in the visual aid. Pictures, charts, graphs, and objects may be so complex that your audience may require direction to the area the speaker is referencing.

Presentations and Visual Aids

In this article, you discovered why visual aids are used in presentations, how they keep your audience dialed in, and which are most commonly included in virtual and in-person presentations.

Understanding how visual aids help keep your audience’s attention focused will help you select appropriate visual aids for your presentation.

Failing to use appropriate visual aids in your online or in-person presentation can leave your audience unfocused and uninterested in the message you are attempting to convey.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/visual-aids-in-virtual-presentations/ for the first version of this content.

How to Make a Podcast

Need help putting together a meaningful podcast? Knowing how to set up your podcast will help you produce quality material, reaching your target audience with high-quality material.

Starting a podcast requires a host

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following steps, information, and tips on starting a well-produced and researched podcast providing exciting and relevant information to your target audience.

Starting a Podcast

You don’t need to be a tech wizard or have vast financial resources to start a podcast. As a hobby, business owner, or entrepreneur, learning to start a podcast is something you should consider to help you target this massive audience, expanding your brand through content and product marketing. Consider the following steps, information, and tips to get you started:

Develop a Podcast Topic and Name

You will want your podcast name derived from a particular topic or niche, always focusing on your target audience and what unique information you can provide them. Try to narrow it down to something you can speak on for multiple episodes but not so expansive that you won’t appeal to your audience. You can diversify your topics later as you gain popularity and your audience’s loyalty.

Select a name that broadly reflects your podcast’s topic and content (aligning with your brand, goals, and target audience), allowing you to expand if you decide to later. A more general name allows you to talk about all kinds of topics if you want without losing your audience entirely.

Tip: Listen to other similar podcasts and research what type of audience you are trying to attract. What questions are they asking, and which products do they need or want.

Select a Podcast Format

Your podcast format should feel sustainable. Ask yourself what excites you and gives you creative energy. Do you enjoy connecting with podcast guests or feel more secure with a fixed co-host?

If you choose to have co-hosts, keep your group small. Podcasting with more than two or three people makes scheduling a challenge and often a burden. Consider the following for your podcast format:

  • Interview Podcasts
  • Co-Hosted Podcasts
  • Scripted Non-Fiction
  • News Review
  • Educational Podcasts
  • Story-Telling Scripted Narratives

Length – Make your episodes as long as they need to be and no longer. Consider this simple structure:

  1. Start with a relevant hook and an intro 
  2. Cover your show’s content
  3. End with a conclusion followed by an outro (bait the audience for the next episode)

Publishing Schedule – Podcasting can end up as a full-time job or something you do on the side. You can publish daily, weekly, or monthly episodes depending on your availability and devotion to the project.

Pick a Co-Host – It can be much simpler to start podcasting if you work with a co-host. You will naturally have more engaging conversations if you both share your points of view on a specific topic. It will also be helpful having someone to help keep things on track.

Create Podcast Artwork

Starting a podcast requires cover art for social media

Your cover art is typically the first impression most will see as they browse through their favorite podcast app. This is also the icon or thumbnail someone sees when you share your show by text, email, or on social media. Creativity and a captivating graphic will only help capture more potential listeners.

Tip: Wait until you reach the editing phase of your first episode to create your podcast artwork. This will help your graphic designer capture the most appropriate imagery that best represents your podcast. Ideas evolve and designing artwork beforehand risks rendering the artwork useless if you decide to iterate and pivot the podcast’s direction.

Setup Recording Equipment

Your next step in learning how to start a podcast is your podcast equipment. Fortunately, you don’t need a fancy studio or heavy investments to create a professional podcast. It’s possible to do this with a quality microphone, headphones, and a computer.

If you’re producing video podcasts, you’ll need a camera. While you can use your computer’s webcam, it’s better to use an external device.

Note: Cellphone camera quality has advanced tremendously in recent years. Many phones come with high-end cameras that can record in 4K resolution. This is a feasible solution if you are podcasting on a budget. You can pair your phone with a free or paid podcasting app and an external mic.

Tip: As you settle into your podcast theme and settings, consider improving your lighting and soundproofing and invest in a mixer to help capture tracks or soundbites.

Select Podcast Software

The easiest way to create and edit a podcast is by using recording and editing software. There are many free solutions, including:

  • Zoom
  • GarageBand
  • Audacity
  • Stitcher
  • SpreakerStudio
  • Alitu

And paid solutions like:

  • Pro Tools
  • Riverside
  • Logic Pro X
  • Adobe Audition

Tip: You may already have access to Adobe Audition if you’re an Adobe Creative Suite subscriber.

Record Your First Episode

Get used to recording and listening to yourself by talking at a consistent volume in several different positions. Then, listen to the recordings to see which position(s) gave you the best audio quality.

For video podcasts, record several short videos, adjusting your lighting, sound equipment, and seating (or standing) arrangements. While this may seem time-consuming, this “testing” will help you arrive at your best recording, lighting, and sound configurations – improving your podcast quality and saving time in the long run.

Once you’ve found your optimal settings and positioning, record your episode in a single or multiple takes (you can splice them together in the editing phase).

Edit Your Audio

Starting a podcast requires audio editing

Your podcast editing is principally for cleaning up audio and making essential changes to the episode’s flow. Keep it simple, if you focus too heavily on production, you may find yourself overwhelmed.

Tip: When you cut sections of audio, you may get pops or clicks in the finished product. Use your editing software’s fade tool at the beginning and end of each clip if you run into this issue.

Get Your Podcast Listed

After making your first episodes, the next step is to publish your show on different listening platforms. To do this, you’ll need to use a podcast hosting site (see below) where you store your podcast content. You’ll then use your podcast host to distribute content to a listening directory, where your audience can access your show.

Choose a podcast hosting platform that offers you enough storage space, ensuring it’s compatible with the directories you want to use. Look into the tools your podcast host provides, as many come with analytics, SEO, and monetization features. Here are some options to explore:

  • Anchor
  • Buzzsprout
  • Libsyn‍
  • ‍‍Podbean‍
  • Spreaker‍

Each platform may require a slightly different process. However, to publish your podcast, you’ll need to:

  1. Upload your first (few) episode(s) to a podcast-hosting service
  2. Create an RSS podcast feed 
  3. Submit this RSS feed to podcast directories you’d like to publish to
  4. Once approved, new episodes you upload onto your podcast hosting site should automatically get published on your chosen directories

If you need help selecting where to publish your podcast, start off with the most popular apps like:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Google Podcasts
  • TuneIn
  • Amazon Music and Audible

You may believe that after launching your podcast, your work is done. However, if you want your podcast to be successful, you must promote it.

Promoting your Podcast

You can try many podcast promotions and marketing tactics. Here are some easy ideas:

Invest in SEO – Optimize your podcast to increase its discoverability. Use podcast descriptions, titles, and transcripts with multiple relevant keywords to improve search results.

Promote with Social Media Posts, Stories, and Reels – Create short, shareable snippets of your show and post them on multiple social media platforms. 

Create a Podcast Website – You should absolutely have a website if you are committed to podcasting and building your audience. Your website:

  • Helps generate new traffic
  • Functions as a permanent archive for back episodes
  • Establishes your brand consistency
  • Gives you the potential to link a blog to your podcast

You can also create a funnel for your audience by collecting email addresses and contact information and adding them to your email list for any current or future marketing or promotional efforts.

Podcast Promotion – If you’d rather stay on the production end of things, you can hire a promotion service to promote your podcast. 

Podcast Success or Failure

There can be multiple reasons a podcast may fail, but one of the most frequent is that beginner podcasters cannot connect with their audience or deliver valuable content in an entertaining package.

Making a Podcast

In this article, you discovered essential information, crucial steps, and pro tips on starting a successful podcast, satisfying your target audience with relevant and meaningful information.

By understanding your target audience’s questions and needs, you can structure an appealing and informative podcast that effectively communicates with your audience and beyond.

Avoid creating a podcast haphazardly, as it will result in low viewership, wasted time, and money.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/how-to-make-a-podcast/ for the first version of this content.

Webcasting – Pros and Cons

Wondering if and how webcasts can benefit your company? Understanding webcasting and its benefits will help you determine how and when to use this technology.

Webcasting pros and cons include making a professional interview accessible to viewers

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following definition, information, pros, and cons about webcasting and how you can use it to give your company an extra edge with your audience.

What is Webcasting?

A webcast is defined as a media presentation distributed over the internet using streaming technology (a streaming media service). With a webcast software / platform, you can distribute content to multiple remote attendees and viewers simultaneously. Webcasts can be distributed live or on demand, and webcasting is simply “broadcasting” via the internet.

Webcasting Advantages

Webcasting pros and cons include the ability to view the webcast from anywhere

Webcasting is typically used by event organizers to broadcast live events. This allows them to reach multiple audiences (in person and remote) and spread their message significantly further. It is also used to communicate company, product, or service information with investors and clients and build healthy, well-informed relationships. Consider the following webcasting pros:

Audience – Webcasting is a solution that allows the presenter to reach a wide remote and worldwide audience. Then because the content is virtual in nature, you can promote to and leverage internet traffic to expand your audience, event viewership, and simultaneously grow your brand.

Cost – Webcasting is more cost-effective than traditional broadcasting. Traditional broadcasting requires satellite connections that are significantly more costly than internet streaming platforms. Several apps for smartphones and other devices allow users to stream content live on social media platforms at a fraction of the cost of an internet service subscription.

Mobile Devices – Modern tech makes webcasts widely available and accessible to anyone with a mobile device and internet connection. Also, you can save the webcast to a mobile device and watch it later. Additionally, most virtual event platforms archive and keep a list of the events that you can go back and access.

Target Audience – For advertising, webcasting is more impactful than print. The reason being, a magazine or catalog editor must keep its content broad and able to appeal to a wide audience. However, a webcast that is specific to a product or service can help viewers with specific use cases, information, and solve unique problems.

Webcasting Disadvantages

While this technology has many benefits, it certainly comes with its challenges. Before deciding if you want to use webcasting as a marketing tool, consider the following webcasting cons:

Professional Audio and Visual Services – Until you or your marketing department develop superior audio and visual skills, a professional communication specialist will be required to produce your high-quality content for distribution. These professionals should be familiar with the best media settings and bandwidth for a seamless broadcast. Special cameras, lighting, and audio devices will be needed for a top-quality production. Ultimately, this will increase your costs.

Webcasting pros and cons include needing an audio visual professional

Tip: You can control these costs by hiring a professional company (experienced in video conferencing) that can provide the required equipment.

Internet Disruptions – Your internet connection’s reliability and effectiveness are essential for successful webcasting. This mode of direct communication quickly fails if there are poor internet connections or interruptions to the network. Poor connectivity can cause audio and video distortion, transmission delays, and cause remote attendees to bounce in frustration.

Note: Webcasting has the disadvantage of being more susceptible to disruptions than satellite broadcasting.

Audience Engagement – Like traditional radio and television broadcasts, webcasts offer you and your advertisers opportunities to directly engage a targeted audience.

Non-Interactions – This type of broadcasting does not allow for two-way interaction or conversation. Webcasting does not allow for interactivity-oriented communication. As the viewer, you cannot ask questions or get specific clarifications in the same presentation.

Note: Webcasting is not the same as web conferencing. Webcasting has no possibility of interactions between the presenter and the target audience, while web conferencing is a fully interactive medium.

Are Webcasting and Live Streaming the Same?

Not exactly. Live streaming is the transmission of any audio and video live over the internet, and webcasting is the act of broadcasting an event over the web. Live streaming transmits any type of media, while webcasts are events and presentations.

However, by live streaming, you are in fact webcasting, and in principle they are often used interchangeably.

Webcasting Benefits

In this article, you discovered what webcasting is, and some of the benefits and cons you may be confronted with when using it to reach your audience.

Knowing how webcasts efficiently convey presentations, audio, and video to your online audience will help you successfully reach them with your message while potentially increasing your data collection and boosting your company’s revenue.

Ignoring the potential of using webcasts to reach your audience will leave you struggling to communicate with potential customers and failing to significantly increase revenue.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/webcasting-pros-and-cons/ for the first version of this content.

Post-Event Survey Questions

Don’t know the best suited questions, but need to collect feedback and suggestions from your event’s attendees? Knowing which post-event questions to ask your audience will help fine-tune your feedback process in time for your next event.

Post event surveys collect crucial data from attendees

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following ideas, tips, and precise questions to help you formulate a post-event survey.

Survey Questions

Formulate questions that ask for attendee feedback immediately after the event concludes while their experiences are fresh in their minds. You can send your post-event survey by email, load it on iPad kiosks at the venue, or share a survey link manually. Select a survey distribution method that makes sense for your company and event. Some relevant questions include:

  1. What part of the webinar appealed to you the most?
  2. How did you learn about this event?
  3. What topics should I discuss at future webinars?
  4. How do you rate the performance of the speaker?

Use Likert Scale Questions

Likert scale questions are closed-ended questions with predetermined answers, ranking attendee satisfaction from one extreme to another.

Such a rating scale focuses on an odd number of equally distributed answers with a neutral selection in the middle. Likert scale questions exclusively focus on answers on a predetermined spectrum. This type of survey is common and widely used to rate one’s satisfaction with a service or experience. Consider the following format:

1. How satisfied are you with the content presented at the event?

  • Very satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

2. I like the amount of information presented in today’s sessions.

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

Open-ended questions – These questions explore an attendee’s insights and opinions by providing individual answers in short-answer form. The answers won’t provide any statistical measurements, but the data is invaluable. Some open-ended questions include:

3. What was your favorite conference segment?

4. Tells us your least favorite part of the event experience?

5. Do you have any suggestions to better our next event?

Closed-ended questions – These questions include multiple-choice, drop-down selections, checkboxes, and ranking questions (personalized answers aren’t accepted). The respondent chooses from a predetermined answer list. Some closed-ended questions include:

6. Will you attend our next event?

  • Yes 
  • No 
  • I don’t know

7. The event gave me valuable insight, True or False?

Surveys that yield useful information contain a mix of direct closed, and open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions collect quantitative data, while open-ended questions offer opinions and comments in the audience’s words. 

Tip: Include questions tailored to help improve future actions, event formulation, and product presentation. Alternate question types to keep your respondents engaged and interested in fully completing the survey.

Post event online surveys conveniently collect crucial marketing and strategy data

Survey Length

Keep surveys short and to the point. The longer a survey is, the less likely a respondent will take the time to complete it. Present quality questions that answer genuine questions rather than inflating the number of questions on the survey. 
Administer your survey to a small test group to collect their feedback. Ask participants to think out loud after reading your survey questions and ask:

  • What does that question mean to you?
  • Are the questions in a logical order?
  • Will the survey collect relevant data?
  • How do you feel about the length?

Tip: Compare your survey questions and format to successful ones that have already been written and administered by a reputable partner or competitive organization.

Why Use Surveys

Surveys help gauge the impact and effect on an audience member’s personal views and experiences. When well constructed, surveys provide accurate numbers on people’s general opinions and behaviors (this information can then be used to make critical business or event decisions). Some of the advantages of surveys include the following:

  • A survey can be quickly developed.
  • Surveys are relatively easy to administer.
  • Digital surveys are highly cost-effective.
  • Surveys can be administered online, on mobile devices, by mail, email, event kiosk, or by telephone.

Tip: When surveys are conducted remotely (online), it can reduce or eliminate any geographical dependencies.

Post-Event Surveys

In this article, you discovered essential information, ideas, and tips on formulating concise questions for your post-event survey.

Understanding how post-event surveys should be put together will help you collect valuable data about your event’s strengths and weaknesses and what adjustments should be made for your next event.

Ignoring the need to run a post-event survey can leave you missing out on prized feedback that leads to a reduction in future event attendance and conversions.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/post-event-survey-questions/ for the first version of this content.

7 Ideas for Powerful Webcasts and Virtual Events

Avoid broadcasting boring or underwhelming content in your webcast and virtual event. Knowing what you can do to make your webcasts and virtual events more impactful and interactive will help increase your event’s attendance and message delivery.

Ways to make your virtual events exciting include establishing goals and offering incentives

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following ideas, information, and tips to help you arrange and produce interactive and insightful virtual events and webcasts with more impactful messaging.

Webcasts and Virtual Events

Virtual events and webcasts are here to stay. Even in a post-COVID-19 environment, virtual events still provide opportunities and significant benefits that will continue to improve and transform how we conduct business.

So, if you are going to spend your time and resources on a webcast or virtual event, you want it to fully engage the largest possible audience and result in increased and repeated conversions. To achieve this, you must ensure that your content, branding, and messaging are powerful, interactive, and insightful. Consider the following:

1. Establish Clear Goals

Before planning the event schedule or assigning tasks for your virtual event, make sure you have fully defined why you want to hold an event. Establish specific milestones, and make sure your entire team in charge of the project understands what you want to achieve.

2. Display Your Product

Telling your audience about your product is essential. However, showing them its capabilities and results is significantly more impactful. If you are introducing a new product line or service, you should find a way to demonstrate it during your live presentation. If your team has developed a revolutionary touchscreen system, demonstrating its capabilities and ease of use will likely be more beneficial than a simple description.

Tip: Practice any live demonstration(s) beforehand to avoid any glitches or confusion during the product’s presentation.

3. Broadcast with a Live Audience

A live audience at your webcast is optional but highly recommended. The ultimate goal of a webcast or virtual event is to reach your audience at their homes, offices, and on the go; a live audience adds a different engagement level to the production. Invite your clients to attend your event in person. Make sure that those you invite actively participate in the product presentation. Those viewing on their devices will enjoy the added interactive level that can only come from live audience engagement.

4. Offer Incentives

Getting your audience to interact with you can often be challenging, especially those shy individuals hiding behind their computers. Offer some sort of incentive that you can offer to your online audience asking questions in the chat room.

Tip: Incentives could include coffee gift cards awarded for each great question or getting your name entered in a post-presentation raffle. Whatever prizes you select, announce the incentive at the beginning and in intervals throughout the event for those joining late.

5. Engage the Audience and Mix it Up

Ways to make your virtual events exciting include adding engaging activities

Your audience won’t sit through an hour-long lecture or slow-moving presentation. Instead, plan activities that require active audience participation. Encourage your event participants to have conversations with one another and ask the hosts questions.

Keeping your viewers engaged requires a well-thought-out plan, especially since their dropping off is as easy as a click. Having multiple people involved in the presentation is an excellent start to an exciting webcast. You can also mix in PowerPoint slides, images, and videos that support your product and demonstrate why your audience needs it.

Tip: Presenting different multimedia throughout your event will help keep things fresh and engaging while appealing to a larger portion of your audience.

6. Make Event Content Available Afterwards

All your event content has value (to your organization, attendees, and people who couldn’t attend the event), and your virtual conference content can serve as lessons/instruction for years to come. This footage can be a significant selling point for your event. After all, with a virtual conference, your audience isn’t paying for a one-time event; they’re signing up for lifetime access to informative, entertaining, or educational content and its incredible resources.

Tip: Your institutional knowledge can be further monetized by selling access to virtual event recordings, lectures, and panel discussions.

7. Follow Up

Keep attendance records and communicate with your audience, after the event, about how they can gain access to recordings and support material. This also encourages your audience to join again at the next event.

Powerful Webcasts and Virtual Events

In this article, you discovered valuable information, ideas, and tips that can elevate the quality and effectiveness of your webcast or virtual event.

Knowing how to elevate content quality and keep your audience engaged with your virtual event will leave you with a better conversion percentage and significantly increase future event participation.

Not knowing how to create engaging quality virtual content will cause your audience to prematurely leave your event, resulting in lower attendance, conversions, and event success.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/7-ideas-for-powerful-webcasts-and-virtual-events/ for the first version of this content.

What is Push Technology?

Don’t miss out on a low-cost and highly effective way to initiate, communicate, and instantaneously engage the users of your product. Knowing what push technology is and how to use it will help you reach more users effectively and provide value by solving their problems.

Push technology or webcasting delivers information to an individual or group of users

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following information, definition, use, and comparison of push technology.

What is The Definition of Push Technology?

Push technology is a form of communication taking place over the internet when data is pushed from a server to a user without the user requesting it. Most push technologies must have the user’s authorization or subscription for delivery. Once a user has subscribed, relevant content is delivered when available without waiting for a request from the user/consumer.

Push Technology is also known as “webcasting,” where a web server delivers information to an individual or group of users (who have signed up for the service) instead of waiting for the user(s) to request the information be sent to them.

What is Pull and Push Technology?

Push technology is differentiated from pull technology based on whether it is the receiver (user/consumer) or the sender (server) that initiates the transaction. If the server initiates the transfer and sends information to the user without receiving a request, the process is implementing push technology. If the client (browser, web application, or smartphone application) requests information from the server before the server sends it, the process is implementing pull technology.

Push technologies are widely-used to deliver relevant content to various types of applications, devices, and end users. Websites utilize push technology to continually update software programming and present content in real-time, like a news app or website’s breaking news or headline ticker, or scoreboard.

Web applications will often use push technology to notify users of new content, like a tab that appears on a social media site indicating that new posts or messages are available. Computer, tablet, IOS, and smartphone applications often use push technology to deliver notifications letting the user know as soon as upgrades or new content is available.

However, the most prevalent use of push technology today is for app notifications on smartphones. When you install a new app, like the Facebook or Instagram app, you can choose whether or not to receive “in-app” notifications. If you do opt to receive such notifications, you have subscribed to push technology.

Note: Not everything that initially resembles push technology actually is. For example, while some news and sports applications and sites use push technology, others may automatically refresh the page at regular intervals in order for readers to receive frequently updated headline or score information from the server. Also, RSS feeds are checked at regular intervals by RSS readers, which pull in new content and aren’t necessarily pushed from the feed to the reader.

Is Internet Push or Pull?

This is a common misunderstanding. The internet is not a “push” medium like television or radio. It is a “pull” medium. When a user wants to see, read, or watch something on the internet, they request that information from a server. The user then pulls the content to their browser, device, or app.

Why is Push Technology Important?

Push technology delivers notifications to an individual or group of users

Push technology provides brands the benefit of engaging directly with customers by delivering relevant information and content corresponding to their preferences, search history, and previous purchases. Such information might include headline news, sports scores (game results), special deals, announcing a new product launch, stock movements, coupons, incentives for specific retail purchases, special online or in-person events, and more.

When push technology is combined with data collection, it allows organizations to present the most relevant products, info, and sales funnels to a user or group of users that will be more likely to appeal and convert.

Note: With push technology, marketers can send messages directly to individuals who have installed their apps. Such messages can be sent when the app is open or closed. The notification will typically appear as a pop-up message, badge, or an alert informing end users they have a message.

Push Technology

In this article, you discovered essential information and definition of what push technology is and how keen marketers can utilize it to get relevant information, promotions, and product in front of their audience.

Using push technology to present concepts and products to an already primed audience can heighten user activity and significantly increase a company’s revenue.

Ignoring the benefits of employing push technology can limit your reach and ability to inform the users of your product in real-time.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/what-is-push-technology/ for the first version of this content.

Virtual Fundraising Event Ideas

Prevent holding a boring and unprofitable virtual fundraising event. Knowing what ideas to use during your virtual fundraising event will help you reach your financial goals much easier and faster.

Virtual fundraising can include many interactive virtual activities

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following information, ideas, and tips about holding a successful virtual fundraising event.

What Is a Virtual Fundraising Event?

Virtual fundraising includes any type of nonprofit campaign or event taking place partially or entirely online, allowing followers, members, contributors, and supporters to engage with your event from anywhere.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual engagements became the new normal and now, as the world returns to a new sense of “normal,” many supporters and potential donors are still uncomfortable gathering for in-person events. Consider the following inclusive virtual fundraising event ideas for your cause:

1 – Virtual Behind-The-Scenes Tour

A virtual behind-the-scenes tour allows your supporters the opportunity to gain valuable insight into the operations of your organization. Let your supporters into the break room, conference room, office, or allow them to see your people in action in the field. That way, donors can put faces on your organization.
The tour can be conducted using a live-streaming service or a pre-recorded video posted to your company’s webpage.

Tip: Platforms like Mobilize conveniently combine registration, zoom video conferencing, and communication reminders into one system, which drastically simplifies event management, facilitating your virtual event.

2 – Virtual Game Night

Virtual game nights can be a fun way to engage with others and raise money for your cause. Whether organizing one independently or consulting with a third party, online tools like Google Hangout and Zoom make it easy to host such an event.
Some popular games that can be played include:

  • Bingo
  • Trivia
  • UNO
  • Scrabble
  • Yahtzee
  • Scattegories

These and a variety of other card, dice, board, and trivia games that you can organize. With respect to raising funds, participants can be asked to pay an admission fee and earn all access to a night of fun with supporters from across the globe.

3 – Online Raffle Drawing

Hosting an online raffle is a splendid way to raise funds for your organization while giving your participants an opportunity to enter to win a variety of prizes. Platforms geared towards nonprofit organizations, like Eventgroove, Rallyup, and Chance2win offer free and paid online raffle services, allowing you to host an online raffle contest how you see fit.

4 – Online Charity Auction

Virtual fundraising can include online auctions

Charity auctions can be mutually beneficial for organizations and participants. Organizations receive donations for their mission, and bidding participants receive prizes or services for their winning contributions. The following are examples of items and services potentially offered by organizations;

  • Merchandise (swag) packages
  • Gift cards
  • Movie tickets
  • Vacation packages
  • Ballpark or stadium seats for the game
  • Spa treatment
  • Wine baskets
  • Free consultations

Online platforms like eBay or BiddingOwl can help you manage the planning and hosting of your next online charity auction.

Note: Depending on your donors and volume of bids, auction items can include higher-priced items like vehicles or even homes.

5 – Virtual Concert or Standup Show

Live music, comedy, and entertainment can still happen in a virtual setting. If your organization would typically have live entertainment, you can continue hosting such events at a similar caliber with the “magic” of live-streaming platforms on social media or video conferencing services.

Determine what kind of live entertainment you want to feature at your event, then hire the performers. Post your event on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, FaceBook, and Mobilize for promotion and call-to-actions for registration and potential fundraising.

6 – Virtual Gala

A virtual gala or party is a fun way to engage and celebrate with associates, partners, supporters, volunteers, donors, and employees, all while raising funds. When hosting this type of event, it is crucial to create a clear and concise action plan that aligns with the event’s intent. This keeps participants fully aware and engaged throughout the event.

The event can include fundraising activities like raffles or auctions, where participants contribute funds for a chance to win. This can also be an opportunity to virtually celebrate a company milestone, employee achievements, a successful fiscal year, or any notable event worthy of being celebrated.

7 – Virtual Class

Find someone with the knowledge base or skill they could offer as a class. Or recruit an industry professional to host a virtual class. Set the class up as a private event and charge admission. With the right teacher leading the class, it can be very successful and engaging. Such classes have been a huge hit over the past couple of years (pre, during, and post-pandemic). Some virtual class ideas include:

  • Painting or drawing
  • Terrariums
  • Gardening
  • Cooking
  • English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • Finance
  • Investing
  • Retirement planning
  • Self-help
  • Fitness trainer

Such classes can be marketed as a series or ongoing experience, enticing attendees to return for more advanced information.

8 – Online Contests

Virtual fundraising can include online talent contests

Online contests are typically fun, easy, and highly interactive. Participants will make a donation to enter, and then people are invited or requested to make a donation when they vote. Consider the following ideas:

Talent Contest – Perfect for an arts or theater organization. You can have your organization’s own version of “The Voice” or “America’s Got Talent” and invite the audience to vote for the winner.
Photography Contest – Ask participants to share their most intriguing nature, pet, family, bird, flower, or food photo.
Costume Contest – Challenge supporters to dress up like their favorite literary hero, superhero, or character from their favorite movie or TV series.

Note: Such contests can include practically any measurable (votable) activity in which viewers determine the beauty, quality, or merit of what was presented or created.

Virtual Fundraising Events

In this article, you discovered ideas and tips on orchestrating a successful fundraising event and the variety of activities you can use to engage your audience.

Knowing how to include diverse, fun, and enticing aspects in your fundraising event will help you increase revenue and meet your fundraising objectives.

Allowing boring or slow-moving activities into your fundraising events can result in lower donations and be seen as a waste of time by attendees.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/virtual-fundraising-event-ideas/ for the first version of this content.

Virtual Team-Building Activities

Don’t let your culture suffer or be the leader that doesn’t know team-building activities to keep your virtual team working well together. Knowing how virtual activities can build your team’s relationships and strengthen their performance will help your department stay on task at peak performance.

Virtual team building involves interactive activities

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following information and tips on virtual team-building activities intended to strengthen your team’s sense of camaraderie.

What are Virtual Team-Building Activities?

Virtual team-building activities are interactive games, challenges, and exercises you can do with remote employees to help build stronger bonds and greater trust among team members. Consider the following icebreakers, activities, and games:

1. Snapshot Virtual Icebreaker

Virtual team building involves activities like picture guessing games

Time – 5 to 10 minutes
How-to – Ask everyone to use their cell phone cameras to take a picture of “something.” The something may include any of the following:

  • Children
  • Desk space
  • Refrigerator
  • Favorite plant
  • Pets
  • Outfit

Activity – Have everyone upload their pictures to a shared online whiteboard or doc to create a digital collage of everyone’s snapshot. Spend time (1 minute each) complimenting the images or asking questions about them.

2. Open Mic Virtual Icebreaker

Time – 5 to 10 minutes
How-to – Give everyone a heads up that they will have one minute at the beginning of the meeting to perform.

Activity – Ask team members to find or write an icebreaker joke, read a poem, sing a song, play the guitar, or do anything they want. Start your meeting with these glorious performances, and then allow 5 to 10 seconds between each for applause.

3. How Well Do You Know Your Teammates?

Virtual team building involves activities like question and answer games

Time – 10 minutes
How-to – 24 to 48 hours before your next virtual meeting, ask your teammates to answer any three of the following questions:

  • If you were an animal, which one would you be?
  • What would it be if you could eat only one food for the rest of your life?
  • What’s your favorite (or dream) vacation spot?
  • What’s your favorite song?
  • Who is your favorite celebrity couple?
  • Who is your favorite actor?

Activity – At the meeting, share only the answers and see if your teammates can pair the answers with the right person. Once everyone has guessed, reveal who gave what answer.

Have your teammates explain if the answers are interesting, surprising, or curious. This activity has the potential to get everyone laughing and learning a bit more about each other.

4. Roses and Thorns

Time – 1 minute per person
How-to – Start your virtual meeting by having everyone share a rose (any positive that makes them feel grateful, happy, etc.) and also one thorn (a challenge or an obstacle). A rose and thorn can be work or non-work related. Consider the following:

Work Related
Rose – I optimized an event procedure, saving time!
Thorn – A different procedure keeps delaying my completion times.

Non-Work Related
Rose – I made time to work out today.
Thorn – There was no time to work out today.

Activity – Have your team brainstorm solutions for the “thorns,” turning them into roses when possible.

5. Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Time – 5 to 10 minutes (This is a really fun activity that you can organize fairly quickly)

How-to – When everyone logs on to your virtual meeting, issue the challenge of collecting a list of different (totally randomized) items from around each participant’s house.

Activity – The first teammate back to the webcam proving that they’ve collected all the items wins!

Tip: Make progressively more difficult lists for your challenges and offer rewards (gift cards, cash prizes, or time off) for the winners.

6. Who’s Desk is This?

Virtual team building involves activities like identifying people with objects

Time – 5 to 10 minutes
How-to –  This game’s objective is to get everyone to know each other better and should include all of your team members. Ask each team member to take a picture of their office or desk and have them upload it to a shareable file (it will help the mystery and challenge if they first remove any identifiable pictures or objects). Other than that, encourage participants to leave their desks and working space as it is. This gives an accurate representation of them.

Activity – Get everyone to try and guess who’s desk is who’s. Whoever gets the most correct guesses wins the game.

Remote Team-Building

Virtual team-building can significantly reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, commonplace in remote teams. While some may question the value of team-building exercises, these activities have shown that they improve teams’ effectiveness while helping build trust.

Fun Activities for Your Remote Team

In this article, you discovered information and tips on some fun and hilarious virtual team-building exercises that break the ice and foster their teamwork.

Knowing how to present and run team-building activities will significantly increase your team’s productivity while aiding in keeping everyone on the same page.

Ignoring the need for engaging virtual team-building activities can lead to a disconnected team and less than desirable employee relationships.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/virtual-team-building-activities/ for the first version of this content.

7 Ways To Improve Remote Communication

Keep your remote team from underperforming or being inefficient while working remotely. Knowing how to effectively communicate with remote workers will help you produce consistently stellar work results.

Improving remote team communication requires online task and organizational programs

webcastingandvirtualevents.com gathered the following information and tips on improving remote communication with your team.

What is Remote Communication?

Where “local communication” pertains to a device or file accessed directly from your system, without using a communications line, “remote communication” is a way or standard of communicating direction, orders, and expectations with others online. Meetings, information, guidance, and training materials can be shared over the internet and stored for reference in the cloud. Forward-thinking companies are creating virtual teams that seamlessly communicate and collaborate online (without requiring shared office space).

As with any other process, there are ways to improve or streamline your remote communication with team members. Consider the following:

1. Build Better Connections

Don’t overlook or ignore opportunities to build better connections with your teammates. Take time to connect by asking people about their day and encouraging them to check in on each other. This will help boost team morale and significantly improve employee satisfaction. 

2. Use a Timer During Video and Conference Calls

Improving remote team communication requires keeping track of meeting times

When you conduct virtual meetings, it’s easy to run out of time before everyone can contribute to the conversation or vocalize their concerns.  

A timer is a great tool to ensure that everyone has a chance to speak. When scheduling the virtual call, and creating the agenda, assign defined amounts of time for each topic you plan to cover; you can also assign specific times for feedback. 

Use your timer during the meeting to keep it on track and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute ideas.

Tip: A timer should only be used as a guide. Don’t stop engaging discussions or great brainstorming because the timer ran out (the timer is there to help guide and insert order to the meeting, not dissuade collaboration). 

3. Update Your Remote Communication/Collaboration Software

Remote team communication tools, project management tools, and document management tools can be industry-specific or integrated into operating systems. Whatever the tool, it should be frequently updated to continuously meet your team’s communication requirements.

Tip: When features or capabilities are updated or added to your software, schedule training or learning sessions with your team to resolve questions, difficulties, and doubts.

4. Communicate Clearly

Remote work is inherently different from office work (for obvious reasons). In a remote setting, casual interferences or quick clarifiers are unavailable for your team. With this in mind, your team communication must be precise and concise.

5. Adjust to Asynchronous Communication

By nature, in-person communication is instantaneous. When you speak to a colleague during a presentation or in the cafeteria, their reply is in real-time.

When communicating with a colleague of a remote team, their reply is not always immediate. When a communication is sent without the expectation of an instantaneous response, it’s called asynchronous communication (vs. real-time synchronous communication). Using team communication tools, project management systems, or email allows time between the two sides of a conversation.

There are significant benefits to this which include fewer workflow interruptions and more time to articulate a thoughtful response. However, for teams unfamiliar with this correspondence flow, their adjustment may require time and practice.

6. Trust Your Team

Improving remote team communication requires teamwork and clearly defined objectives

Many managers succeed in a one-on-one office environment because they are face-to-face with their employees. They can walk over, check in on them, ask for updates, etc. If there is a problem, managers can quickly hold a meeting to discuss and resolve it.

When a team is remote, these dynamics no longer apply. With employees out of sight, managers may feel the urge to frequently message team members for updates on a task. Not only would managers be taking up employees’ time to constantly send updates, but such interruptions will likely lead to inefficiencies, impacting their focus and performance. 

7. Establish Regular Check-ins

Regular check-ins build connections between colleagues and help maintain the workflow. Check-ins can be video calls, written reports, or individual responses to a specific question.

A robust check-in process ensures everyone is working well, understands what everyone else is doing with intersections clearly understood, and no one is overtasked with work.

BONUS – Establish Communication Guidelines

Don’t assume that everything will be right as rain once your team has the right tools. Effective communication in remote teams doesn’t automatically happen. Establish specific guidelines for your team on how to use your organization’s tools and parameters for remote communication. 

This helps everyone on your team avoid common mistakes like:

  • Including everyone in an email or text thread meant for one person
  • Slow responses
  • Using the wrong program or device for communications

The guidelines you establish should determine how, when and where communication occurs. Also, consider potential differences in time zones when constructing these rules. 

Note: It’s significantly easier to work together when everyone is on the same page.

Remote Business Communications

In this article, you discovered 7 ways to improve communication methods, skills, and frequency between you and your remote team.

By improving everyone’s communication, company/business tasks will be more efficiently accomplished with less confusion and doubts.

Poor lines of communication and processes for your remote team can lead to missed deadlines, undesired project results and wasted funds.


See https://webcastingandvirtualevents.com/7-ways-to-improve-remote-communication/ for the first version of this content.

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